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There are approximately 300 million students attending elementary and secondary schools and approximately 50 million students attending colleges and universities. In the majority of schools and classrooms students are mainly taught using traditional instruction techniques, and their development and performance is assessed on lower-level thinking skills such as memorization and recall. Furthermore many schools still rely on the multiple choice, short-answer and essay questions.
Our goal is to discover the most important skills that students need to be successful in life. After speaking with hundreds of business leaders and extensive research over hundreds of articles, it has become clear that it is time for education to change. Universally the same workplace, personal and social skills continue to be mentioned ever more loudly. There is simply less demand for obedient workers who can simply show up on time and follow directions. There is an increased demand for self-directed workers who can adapt and learn quickly, think critically, communicate and innovate.
Approximately 75% of our students will be employed in jobs that don’t exist yet. So, how do we prepare them for this? I believe that we do so by helping each student develop the skills that they will need to succeed in a future filled with uncertainty. UK Skills Ltd. a UK based not-for-profit organisation, through its partners in India, the Education for Employment Foundation (EEF), provides a programme of courses, qualifications and measures to establish and enhance current vocational, technical and professional skills training to Schools in India.
Preparation of school students for the world of work is a relatively new idea and takes many forms. It is just one of the roles and responsibilities of schools and school staff but is being increasingly seen as one as important as academic learning and instruction.
21st Century Skills often, but not purely, labelled Employability Skills are:
These skills are intended to help students keep up with the lightning-pace of today’s modern markets. Each skill is unique in how it helps students, but they all have one quality in common - the imparting of skills and knowledge specific to crafts, trades and occupations that the students will follow once leaving School. Vocational Education is traditionally but not exclusively non-academic and is complimented by Employability Skills - a series of life skills or workplace skills such as team working, creativity, communications skills, financial skills etc. It is also based increasingly in the modern world and provide the tools for a student to enter and prosper in the world of work, society and their peer groups.
UK Skills will work with Schools, as Advisors and Partners, to make Schools into Centers of Excellence in the delivery of vocational and related skills. We will work with staff, stakeholders, Industry, local employers and national/regional bodies to transform it to meet the needs of students entering the world of work through a Seven Point Plan to:-
Vocational education is referred to as career education or technical education. Vocational education can also take place at the post-secondary, further education, and higher education level; and can interact with the apprenticeship system.
UK Skills, working with its partners in UK education Institutions of international reputation and with partners in India, is experienced and expert in the needs of the employment market and the working of Education and Training in India. We have the background and reach to help people and companies throughout India, from the village to the metro to the smart city.
UK Skills has a long experience as a not-for-profit organisation in developing and delivering learning, assessment and qualifications. These include face to face, paper based and digitally delivered training as well as blended and online delivery. We have a clear focus on providing solutions that are tailored to the requirements of a modern India and meet the needs of learners, industry and society. We confidently boast effective and efficient quality management procedures, processes and systems. These form the backbone of our delivery of assessment, learning, training and qualifications. We work with a range of customers and clients in Education and Training across the educational universe in government funded, CSR and industry funded environments. We work with our clients and customers to specify requirements and tailor learning and systems to meet those requirements. These lead to a record of successful implementation with benefits to all stakeholders.
It is important for students to learn a core knowledge, understanding and skills but we are not helping them develop by simply requiring them to regurgitate facts in an attempt to earn grades for a course. We need to have students apply what they are learning by engaging them in projects and to engage them in higher-order thinking skills, skills, they will need for future success. Bloom’s Taxonomy provides a great illustration of the different levels of thinking. As educators, we need to stop depending on the lower level skills, such as memorization and recall, and help students develop higher-order thinking skills such as applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating. Then, and only then, will we be truly helping students be successful with this as our ambition UK Skills, has initiated the idea of developing skills in schools through its affiliated centres.
The educational institution benefits the most by adopting these process and practices, it will not only inspire but assure a change in learners towards 21st century skills.
Is your institution set to evolve and is it in a position for evaluating and enhancing its curriculum, assessment, self-analysis and teaching practice?
Are you ready for change?
Applying for an Accreditation with UK Skills - educational institutions can apply for Accreditation for Global Skill Certificate by completing the registration form
The Accreditation will only be granted after thorough assessment. If due to any reason the educational institution is not affiliated, it will get another opportunity after six months and no fees will be charged for the same.
It allows the educational institution to continue to operate completely independently, but proudly claim to have a formal collaborative agreement with UK Skills that boasts educational support, advice, and influence in the development and delivery of the School’s academic policies, standards or programs.
Re-Accreditation - the Global Skill Partnership Certificate Accreditation is for two years only. Educational institutions will need to re-apply for Accreditation. Re-Accreditation offers an opportunity to new members of the institution to understand the programme and thinking out-of-the-box. Global Skill Partnership Certificate is an evolving programme and out commitment is to keep the programme fresh and updated.
Re-Accreditation Fee - £250 (GBP Two Hundred Fifty Only) per educational institution for a period of two academic years.
Skills-for-Schools – as a skill enterprise, we design, deliver and accredit the programmes and qualification from UK, we assist educational institutions with the Technical, vocational and professional training, assist in digital curriculum and assessment (e-Learning and e-Assessment), assist in auditing and accreditation of training and education providers; assist in building faculty management team, guide in the selection, development and localization of content for education and training, entrepreneurship training and Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Literacy training through collaborations and expert networks so as to assist bridge the skills gap and create employable skills among the learner. UK Skills international skill partnerships aim to deliver highly cost effective ways of transforming educational systems. Seminars, study tours and policy dialogues are used as a platform to share experience and good practices from the UK. UK Skills provides numerous collaborations to promote Study Tours, Partnerships and Projects.
UK Skills Ltd. is an enabler, an organisation dedicated to bringing best practice, quality educational resources and innovative systems from the UK to India. These learning resources and systems will support the development, training and education of all communities in India and across the world.
Copyright © 2023 UK Skills Ltd.