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Area of working Description - why we are doing it and what we are offering. Alignment with New Education Policy 2020 Download PDF
Standards & Benchmarking School Excellence Leadership Programme (SBSE) Raise academic and administrative school performance and hence improve learning, raise grades, improve morale amongst staff, and lift the standing of a School. A training course of 12 sessions delivered by expert speakers, the delivery being reduced from twelve days to five days.
Minimum requirement of 50 educators per school
Multiple Intelligence Analysis Tool (MIAT) The aim of this on-line test is to provide a reasonable estimate of your Multiple Intelligence disposition in order to promote personal satisfaction, academic and career success through enhanced self-awareness and differentiated instructional support. Sold in batches to schools, school groups and direct to individuals. Running on a BIZEXAMINER platform.
Minimum requirement of 250 assesses per educational institution
Employability Skills (Colleges & Universities) Life Skills & Soft Skills (School) including Financial Literacy Employability Skills are those attributes necessary to function in a modern business environment. This will provide HE and Technical Colleges and Students with Skills Training courses in areas that employers are looking for such as team-working, creativity etc. contributor to society. The abilities for adaptive (adjust) and positive behaviour that enable individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life. To provide with strategies to make healthy choices that contribute to a meaningful life. This will involve providing Schools and Students with Skills Training courses in areas that employers are looking for such as team-working, creativity etc.
Minimum requirement of 50 educators per school
Data Analytical Tool SchoolVue is a powerful online tool that helps a school to provide excellent provision and support for its students. Interpreting and sharing information is key to driving performance. Working with SchoolVue team in UK to offer an India-appropriate data management system for schools, on a license basis.
Minimum requirement of 250 learners per educational institution
Yes FlyerSchoolVue Introduction Schoolvue Aligned to NEP My Class Module School Vue Brochure (India) Data Services SchoolVue Flyer Schoolvue Setup SchoolVue Brochure Transforming School Data to Wisdom Programme
English Digital Learning Platform Klik2learn is an award-winning Ed Tech specialising in English Language and Vocational Learning, and its online learning platform and courses are designed for both self-study and blended learning. The award-winning English courses - Journey 2 Basic Skills and Journey to English are aligned to CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) level A0/A2/A3 (pre-beginner, beginner and intermediate beginner) and B1/B2 (lower to upper-intermediate) respectively.
MMinimum requirement of 250 learners per educational institution
Running 4 ITI’s (technical colleges) under Public Private Partnership (PPP) with the Ministry of Employment & Training, Gujarat. Learning resources, management expertise and systems to support the development, training and education of all communities in India and across the world; including e-Assessment, e-Learning and faculty/institution management. Working with partners in UK education Institutions. Experienced/expert - not-for-profit with the goal of helping people and companies from the village to the metro to the smart city. Yes
Teacher Training Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Up-skilling of Teachers and Administrators in K 12 with a 21st century (soft-skills) tool kit, with skills for a digital age, with more focus on skilling learners for the workplace and with distance and individualized learning. Up-skilling of Teachers and Administrators in K 12 with a 21st century (soft-skills) tool kit, with skills for a digital age, with more focus on skilling learners for the workplace and with distance and individualized learning. To develop a competitive edge over contemporaries in the same field.
Minimum requirement of 100 learners per educational institution
Affiliation for UK SKILLS Global Skill Certificate There are approximately 300 million students attending elementary and secondary schools and approximately 50 million students attending colleges and universities. In the majority of schools and classrooms students are mainly taught using traditional instruction techniques, and their development and performance is assessed on lower-level thinking skills such as memorization and recall. Furthermore many schools still rely on the multiple choice, short-answer and essay questions.

About Us

UK Skills Ltd. is an enabler, an organisation dedicated to bringing best practice, quality educational resources and innovative systems from the UK to India. These learning resources and systems will support the development, training and education of all communities in India and across the world.

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